Please Note: We are in the process of updating this Page
- Loyalty System ( T&C )
- How the Hairmiles system Works
- How to add your Hairmiles reward Card to your Phone
- What are the current promotions
Android Phones
How to add Your Hair 2 Go Loyalty Card to Google Wallet.
How to Use Your Card in the Salon
Just before you Pay
If you need help, just ask a staff member.
Feel free to use Google Wallet for all your loyalty cards
- Open Google Wallet:
- Find the Google Wallet app on your phone.
- Tap the app icon to open it.
- If you don't have it download it on Google Play and complete this set again
- Add Your Card:
- Tap the "+" button at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose "Loyalty Card."
- Search for "Hair 2 Go."
- Select "Hair 2 Go" from the list.
- Use your phone's camera to scan the barcode on your Hair 2 Go card.
- Check the scanned information is correct. (If not scan again)
- Tap "Add to Wallet."
How to Use Your Card in the Salon
Just before you Pay
- Open Google Wallet.
- Select "Hair 2 Go" from your cards.
- When asked by the staff, hold your phone with the barcode visible near their scanner.
- A staff member will help you if need assistance.
If you need help, just ask a staff member.
Feel free to use Google Wallet for all your loyalty cards
We suggest to use Stocard
Stocard is a free app that allowed users to store and manage your loyalty cards, rewards, offers, and payments. You can scan the barcode on their physical loyalty cards into the app, and then open the barcode on their phone to receive points at checkout. Stocard also offered other features.
To make it simple the following Video will help you to load the Hair 2 Go hairmiles rewards card on a Iphone using stocard
Stocard App Link 1
Stocard is a free app that allowed users to store and manage your loyalty cards, rewards, offers, and payments. You can scan the barcode on their physical loyalty cards into the app, and then open the barcode on their phone to receive points at checkout. Stocard also offered other features.
To make it simple the following Video will help you to load the Hair 2 Go hairmiles rewards card on a Iphone using stocard
Stocard App Link 1
Windows Phones
Use the Rewards Wallet app
This app allows you to scan your loyalty card's barcode using your Windows device's camera. You can also sync your card data to OneDrive so you can access it on other devices. Rewards Wallet also syncs with the Microsoft Band, so you can scan your cards from your wrist.
This app allows you to scan your loyalty card's barcode using your Windows device's camera. You can also sync your card data to OneDrive so you can access it on other devices. Rewards Wallet also syncs with the Microsoft Band, so you can scan your cards from your wrist.
Hair 2 Go - Locations
Hastings P: (06) 870 7300
Havelock North P: (06) 877 4993
Taradale P: (06) 844 4177
Ahuriri Closed
Vertical Divider
Vertical Divider
Head OfficePhone: (06) 879 8112
Fax: (06) 879 8113 P.O. Box 7415 Taradale, Napier 4141 New Zealand [email protected] |
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